Thursday, June 16, 2011

Funny Student

            Yesterday was a fun day at school because one of my students has a sense of humor.  I was in my third class and these kids are little.  I think the oldest might be 11 but most of them are 9 or so.  Now remember that my school is a private academy so the kids are grouped together by their understanding of English not their age.  This particular class is very energetic and very smart so I need to keep them engaged or I’ll lose them and the day is wasted.
            The lesson for the day was Cause and Effect.  We’d gone through some examples in the workbook but I like to get them involved and write on the board.  Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the board but I’ll set it up the best I can.  I wrote on the top of the board Effect.  The Effect was, “Making an A+ on the exam.”  After doing this all the kids gave me blank stares.  They were not sure what an “A+” meant for them!  So I explained the American grading system and they were pumped about how they were all “A+” students.
           Once they understood what “A+” meant I went and wrote Cause in the middle of the board.  Then I had a kid come up and tell me what one cause would be for making an A+.  He wrote “I study hard.”  Then I had a second student come up and he wrote “I study every day” which is a very Korean answer. 
            Lastly I called on one of my favorite students in the whole school, June.  This kid might be 8 years old but he learns English faster than most American kids.  Plus he’s a lot of fun and is never down about anything.  For example even he has a cast on his arm and won’t let anyone sign it he still makes jokes about it all the time.  So after I called him he struts up to the board and starts giggling, so whatever he’s got in mind is super funny in his head.  He gets really close to the board and when he’s done I see that he has written, “I had some luck.”  I look at the Korean teacher and we both start laughing uncontrollably.  Easily one of the funniest moments I’ve had since I’ve started teaching.

My studious comedian.

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